We have approximately 60 active paddlers who meet on a Sunday morning, Tuesday evening and Thursday evenings. Attendance is entirely optional and many members come once per week or even once per month. There are also regulars who come to most sessions. We use the Teamer App to book onto each session. Coaches and members can all see who is attending each session, which helps with planning coaching and boat use. It’s very easy to use!
Download the Stack Team App
The Amateur Club has a 100% voluntary committee which ensure the club is ran to the highest of standards, with welfare, inclusion, fun and of course health and safety as our most important focus area’s. Just ask a team member to be introduced to a committee member (there are 8 committee members currently). We have a number of experienced, BDA-Qualified coaches who provide regular training sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 18:30 and Sundays at 09:00.